Chui Fong Tea Plantation - Chiang Rai Thailand (ไร่ชาฉุยฟง - เชียงราย ประเทศไทย)

Chui Fong Tea Plantation - Chiang Rai Thailand (ไร่ชาฉุยฟง - เชียงราย ประเทศไทย)

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Chui Fong Tea Plantation is located at Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province. Another activity that tourists like very much is

Going down to take a beautiful photo with tea plantation. In addition, if coming in the morning a little Will see Khun Aunta to collect the soft tea leaves,99.8164418,828m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x30d6fdc555555553:0x3e4bdb17ac81d345!2z4LmE4Lij4LmI4LiK4LiyIOC4ieC4uOC4ouC4n-C4hw!8m2!3d20.1998313!4d99.8164418!3m4!1s0x30d6fdc555555553:0x3e4bdb17ac81d345!8m2!3d20.1998313!4d99.8164418


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